Monday, October 24, 2011

jari manis.

Assalamualaikum wbt

Aiceh sejak menjak bwak laptop skali rajin bebenor menggatei nak hapdet belog. haha.

harini banyak sagat belajar. fully lecture kot.
2 lectures for ANATOMY for two hours, different parts of arm.

*tbe2 nak review balik apa yang belajar tadi.

mmg best apa yg ktrg belajar tdi. bila fikir balik kan. even benda kecik pun Allah sangat sangat teliti contoh kat phalanges. siap ada hood lagi xnak tendon2 kat jari kita tertanggal. they act as tali yang ikat tendon2 kat jari kita jangan bergerak.cuba kalau xde? hurmmmmm. fikir2kan lah ye!

hari ni saya belajar about anterior part of forearm dengan prof ezz. prof ni dri Mesir. no need to describe his lecture. sangat best dan faham! terbaikkkkk~

but what really impressed me today, is during our lecture with Dr. Hisyam. Yeah, he is really strict person. he thought us to be more prepare before our lecture and he likes to ask anything about what we are going to learn before he started his lecture. errr. time tu mmg banyak la bunyi cengkerik berbunyi blur punya pasai.

unfortunately, he is really different today. really understanding with our situations sbb mse dia ajar tgah tgah hari. tepu kot dengan biochem yang mmg panjang gila nama untuk certain lipids. muka semua dh kerut2 even lecturer yang ajar pun xsnggup nak sbut dpan ktrg.

dlm ke-blur-an blajar forearm harini, there's something that makes me really amazed. ok guys, try to put your palm on the flat surface, then try to lift each of your fingers. which one yang paling susah nak angkat?
of course la yang jari manis kan?

jari manis yang perlu disarungkan cincin menggalas tanggungjawab, cewah. ni mnurut kata dr. Hisyam ok. tpi tula yg plg lemah nak angkat. sebab apa? sebab, jari manis je yang tak disupport oleh certain insertions from the muscles at the back of forearm. hmmm. yang lain semua disupport. plg banyak supportions kt thumb kita.
hardly to explain right now, but the readers already got the points what i'm trying to say, tu pun dh kira ok kan.hehe.

then, balik2 rumah our house was selected to have iftar sessions with seniors from dental and clinical students from fourth year. ada sesi tazkirah between maghrib and isyak. tayangan vdeo. best sangat. tanda2 dunia akhir zaman.

hmmmmmm. zina, pkaian muslimah n zman skrg dan apa yang paling sy tertaarik is about the muslimin nowadays. huhu. serious majority of us, sgt lesu. entahlah. hardly to comment about this, sbb saya pun salah seorang dripadanya.

So, what's NEXT?

bertindakkkkkkkkkkkkk!! semangat and what really important let's try to change our mission every morning before we start our jihad.

yes, i want to be a _______________ student because of Allah.
but how?

just like you remember of your parents, i do this to help my parents.
i wanted them to be happy. 

but because of ALLAH, it is more meaningful, it will brings the benefits until the day after.
yeah i know its hard to change our mindset, because in reality we tends to imagine and aimed for something that we can see.

errrr. ok dh meleret. anyway, lets Alhamdulillah because today we got the knowledge from You O Allah. please do bless what we got today and tomorrow will be better than today.

Thank you again. 

Dr. Areena 

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