Sedang asik membasuh pinggan sambil menyanyi2 lagu AISHITERU sesuka hati. tiba-tiba daku teringat sesuatu.
*sumpah kalau saya buat ayat mcm ni, sure kena baling telur ayam.
haritu, lecturer English kami, Miss Q asked each of us to present drama about fairy tales.
all the muscles contracted on our face. NOT ACTING AGAIN!
nak tak nak, we have to accept it.
ok so we were all given almost a a week to make scripts, practice practice practice yada yada yada.
saya kena berlakon jadi KUCING. actually, I volunteered for that character.
we presented the drama entitled "SLEEPING HAZIQ" illustrated from the sleeping beauty cartoon.
kucing, not a kind one. but i've to be the evil one. the one put a curse on that baby.
not so cruel actually, but THE EVIL LAUGH mybe helps a lot for that character.
actually, bukan apa yang saya lakonkan saya nak tekankan sebenarnya,
saya cuma tersentuh bila tengok balik lakonan group drama saya masa tamhidi.
watak mereka haritu semua lebih kurang dengan drama ktrg present masa tamhidi haritu.
we're all seperated. not in a group anymore this sem.
gaya korang berlakon, serious SEJIBIK mcm hritu. and that makes me really miss that moment that time.
almost 3 months kot kta berlatih as compared to this year punya drama.
of course the previous one really gives big impact to me. haha.
terasa bonding among us. even report writing pun kita buat sama-sama.
ayat paling saya ingat
sentap beramai2.
ohhh so sweet that moment.
*skali lagi sentap pada clavicle.
cumanya, terkilan sangat-sangat bila teringat Wani dengan Kinah.
Yes, we are all seperated. Walaupun watak saya lakonkan dulu memang agak SENGAL as compred to this year, but still the previous one is the best I think.
Guys, korang tak rasa ke? ke aku sorang je rasa? haha.
*walaupun korang xbca this post, sje je nak tanya.
ok berhenti memuntah hijaukan orang yang xsengaja bukak this blog.
let's continue blajar about FOREARM. ahhhh. korang msti dah stdy kan?
Alhamdulillah ya Allah for giving me my precious friends. just wanted to stress on " I'm really really miss that moment" doesn't matter you are from different gender or different courses or different house, still, you are all like my siblings, and OHANA which means FAMILY. FAMILY means no-one gets left behind or FORGOTTEN, even we always meet up or different campus.
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